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Position: Special Purpose Vehicles»Tank Series»Storage Tanks

Plastic-lined Steel Tank

Plastic-lined steel tank is widely used in chemical, metallurgy, petroleum, and medicine industries. It has the performance of anti-corrosion, acid resistance and alkali resistance. We adopt one-step molding technology to guarantee its high performance. It also has features like non-toxic, light weight, anti-corrosion. It is capable of storage of inorganic acid, alkali and saline liquid with a better performance than glass fiber reinforced plastic. The tank conforms to national transport management rules for dangerous goods. Meanwhile it also meet national hygiene standards, so it can also be used for transport of food and medicines.

NameCapacity(㎥) Medium Characteristics
Plastic-lined steel composite Tank1-180Inorganic acid, alkali and saline liquid non-toxic,light weight,anti-corrosionshock resistanceanti-aging
Plastic-lined steel Anti-corrosion Tank0.5-80
Plastic-lined steel Reaction Kettle1-50
Non-standard anti-corrosion equipment1-200

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