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Position: Special Purpose Vehicles»Tank Series»Storage Tanks

Plastic Tank

Plastic tanks are made by modified polyethylene (PE). The tank is formed by one-step rotational molding without any welding joint. It has performance of anti-corrosion, anti-shock, anti-leakage,  , no-toxic, light weight, and long operating life. It has been widely used in chemical, electronic, pesticide, printing, brewing, medicine, environment protection and storage industries.

PerformanceTest method Standard Value
DensityASTMD15050.93~0.95 g/cm³
Tensile Yield StrengthASTMD638M19MPa
Falling weight impact strengthISO6603/2(-20℃)24J/mm
Notch impact strengthASTMD265(-40℃)108J/M
Drop testDropped from 10 metersNo damage
Environment Stress cracking resistance(ESCR F50)ASTMD1693(100% anthrax)>1000
Vicat softening temperature  ASTMD1525118℃
Hydraulic testASTMD 1998-91Acceptable
Service conditions-50℃ to 80℃(90℃)Ordinary pressure

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